"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us!"-- Joseph Campbell

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sweet as Honey: Happy Birthday Mel and Gramma!

When Mel was born on February 1st, she became Gramma's favorite birthday present. My mom and Mel will always be birthday buddies. So when we made the trip to Spokane and got there in time for their birthday it was extra special. Not only did Mel turn one but she got to celebrate the day with Gramma.

The morning of their birthday, Dany and her kids came over to celebrate and make us all breakfast. Yummy biscuits and pancakes! Mel especially loved the biscuits with jam on them.

They also brought presents. Mel got a pull-behind duck toy that quacks the alphabet. It is great for Mel because she loves the alphabet and she loves to quack. (Right now every animal quacks to her. Even the dogs.) She also got a great monkey book that chatters. That is also perfect because she loves books and is my little monkey.

That afternoon we headed over to Tiffany's house for another birthday party. Kelli got Mel a special birthday dress just for the occasion. They also had balloons, presents and cake for the celebration. We decided presents should be first since Mel would get really messy once we let her have cake. Mel received a couple of fun toys and some clothes. She loved her toys and I loved the clothes because Mel is starting to grow out of the ones we have now.

After presents it was time for the cake. It is tradition to get Mom/Gramma an ice cream cake. They had special candles on the cake for Mel and Gramma to blow out.
Mel wasn't too happy that I kept her from grabbing it. Kelli had made Mel a special monkey cake. She told Mel that she could have it all.

Stripping Mel down and setting her in her chair I was all prepared for a very messy kid.
Instead she touched the cake a couple of times and then started crying. Mel wouldn't even try a little bit.
Oh well guess Mel didn't want to mess up Kelli's beautiful cake.

Even though she didn't eat the cake. Mel had fun crawling around and getting to know some of her aunts, uncles and cousins a little better.

I can't believe it has been a full year since my baby was born. It is crazy how quickly times goes by. Mel is so much fun and is growing and learning every day. I love my little monkey!