"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us!"-- Joseph Campbell

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Holly Jolly Santa Claus

This is the first year Mel has met Santa Claus. Pictures with Santa are fun but I never really did it as a kid and don't really feel like I missed anything so I just haven't done it. Just not a big deal to me.

In the previous blog I mentioned her seeing Santa and shying away from him. That was encounter #1. The next opportunity came at her playgroup pajama party. They laid out pillows and had a short movie for the kids to watch.
After that there was a craft and then Santa Claus arrived! Mel wanted nothing to do with him. She wouldn't even go near him. I only got this picture because I told her to sit on the sun and I would get her picture.

When Santa left he walked next door to the library. (This Santa is actually a library employee.) Mel watched him leave with her nose pressed to the glass. The next  day would be the library Christmas party with Santa. I was hoping that watching Santa go to the library and knowing we would see him there Mel might be more inclined to actually go near him.

Mel had a blast at the library party. The normal stories and songs but with elves and a dancing Christmas tree. Then came Santa. Mel had a friend there who wasn't too keen on Santa either. His mom and I tried to see if going together would make it okay but they still wouldn't do it. Santa was even handing out presents! Mel and her friend got with in a few feet when all of a sudden they dashed behind us. Mel actually ran behind me and shoved me forward. Oh that funny kid. She loved her little stocking though and the craft project they got to do.
Even more exciting was the cookie and balloon awaiting each kid as they left. Oh well I didn't get any pictures with Santa but Mel had fun and that is what is most important. (And just to be clear, the reason we didn't get pictures with Santa every year when I was a kid is the same reason I got no pictures this year. I wouldn't go near the guy! HAHAHA)

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