"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us!"-- Joseph Campbell

Friday, December 16, 2016

Holly Jolly Christmas Tree Cookie

This year we thought it would be fun to have Mel make a gingerbread house. We went to the store to have her pick out a kit (yeah just being lazy and doing a kit 😏) The store had a whole shelf full of different kinds of gingerbread houses. Looking at all of the options Mel grabbed a Christmas cookie tin. Leave it to Mel to look at all her options and pick something completely different.
Mel loves to help bake. and stir things together. She was excited to stir the cookie dough ingredients but loved putting all of the decorations on even more. I helped do the star, because Mel needs a star on top of her tree, and Meric helped outline the tree in green.

The cookie was very thick and with everything being store bought (not my usual route) we really didn't expect it to be very good. So we were surprised when it was actually really good but one BIG sugar rush! Mel especially loved her Christmas tree cookie and I think Mel picked a pretty good new Christmas tradition.

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